How to Become a Family PACT Client

Apply for Family PACT Services
Ready to apply? Fill out the application to apply for Family PACT program coverage.
Once you become a Family PACT client:
- You can get services for a whole year unless something changes, like if there is a change in your income.
- Each time you go for a visit, your provider will ask you if any of your information has changed to make sure you are still covered by Family PACT.
- In some cases, Family PACT may even cover family planning costs for the 3 months before you become a client. Your provider can help you find out if you qualify for the Retroactive Eligibility Certification (REC) form.
HAP Identification Number

What is a HAP Identification Number?
Once you qualify and become a Family PACT client, you will get a Health Access Programs (HAP) identification number.
Your HAP identification number is good for one year and will need to be renewed every year. To make sure there is no gap in your benefits, you can apply to renew your HAP identification number after 10 months. Your provider will help you when it is time to renew your HAP identification number.

Patient Rights
Signing up for Family PACT is confidential, and so is the care you get. This means that no one has to know about your family planning needs if you don’t want them to.
You can learn more about your rights as a patient. A copy of the Family Planning Patient Rights is given to all clients or posted in the clinic site. You can view it here:
Family Planning Patient Rights – English

The Family PACT Program is available throughout California. You can see any Family PACT provider with your HAP card. To find a provider near you, simply click on the “Find Providers” link in the right-hand corner of this page.
If you move out of California, you are no longer covered by Family PACT.

Pharmacy and Travel
You can fill your Family PACT prescriptions at any pharmacy that accepts Medi-Cal.
You can only use Family PACT in California. Therefore, plan ahead before you travel! You can get your prescriptions filled before you leave California or after you come back. You cannot get reimbursed for prescriptions or refills that you received from out of state. These benefits and services still only apply to California residents.
Covered California
Family PACT only covers family planning and related services, but you may have other health care needs. You may qualify for health care coverage from Covered California. Talk to your provider about Covered California and the options that could work for you.