What Birth Control Method is Right for Me?
If you want to prevent a pregnancy, there are lots of great methods of birth control to choose from. We’re here to help you find the right choice for you. All the methods on this page are covered by Family PACT. Therefore, if you are a client, you can get them free of cost.
Choose what you need from your birth control in the box below to see which methods might work best for you.
These methods are the most effective at preventing pregnancy.
Click on a method below to learn more.
These methods protect you from STIs.
Click on a method below to learn more.
These methods are easier to hide, in case you need to keep your birth control a secret.
Click on a method below to learn more.
These methods don’t have any hormones in them.
Click on a method below to learn more.
These methods won’t interrupt the heat of the moment.
Click on a method below to learn more.
The menu below lists different kinds of birth control. Click on the links in the drop down menu to learn more about each one.
Long-Acting Reversible Contraceptives
These methods are the most effective. Once you have them, your birth control is taken care of for years. These methods are also easy to reverse when you want to get pregnant. None of these methods protect you from HIV and other STIs. Click on a method below to learn more.
Male and female sterilization are also some of the most effective methods. These methods are meant to be permanent. Unlike other kinds of birth control, they are not easy to reverse. They do not protect you from HIV and other STIs. Click on a method below to learn more.
Hormonal Methods
Hormonal methods can be very effective, but how well they work depends on how you use them. They may cause changes in your period and other side effects. None of these methods will protect you from HIV or other STIs. Click on a method below to learn more.
Barrier Methods
You must use these methods every time you have sex. How well these methods work depends on how you use them. Only condoms help protect you from HIV and other STIs. All other barrier methods do not. Click on a method below to learn more.
Natural Family Planning Methods
You and your partner must work as a team to use these methods. How well these methods work depends on how you use them. Only abstinence can protect you from HIV and other STIs. Other natural methods do not. Click on a method below to learn more.
Family PACT Coverage
All of the methods on this page are covered by Family PACT. Therefore, if you are a client, you can get them free of cost. To learn more about Family PACT, check out the links below.
Click here to see if you are eligible.

Birth Control Quick Facts
Here are some quick facts about birth control:
- Most kinds of birth control are safe for most people to use. Talk with your provider about what methods might work best for you.
- Some birth control methods work better than others. Some work very well no matter what. Others work well only if you use them the right way every time you have sex. Explore the links in the drop down menu to the right to learn more about each method. You can learn what you have to do to use each method. You can also find out how well each method works.
- Want to protect yourself from HIV and other STIs? Use, or make sure your partner uses condoms every time you have sex. Or decide not to have sex at all.
- Had sex with no birth control? You can still prevent a pregnancy. Check out Emergency Contraception.
- Want to find a Family PACT provider near you? Click on the “Find Providers” button in the top right-hand corner of this page.